All Day

RaciaI Equality: a call to action

Invited a senior academic/researcher in the field of social justice in the UK to come and talk to all staff about racial (in)equality, pursuit of racial equity, being anti-racist etc. […]


Understand what microaggressions are, understand the impact and how to challenge.

Managing incivility training

Drama-based training demo as part of the DGT EDI Council Target Audience: DGT staff Speaker: Alexandra Bode-Tunji

White Ally Programme

Educational Session Target Audience: White presenting staff at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Hospitals

Career Development Workshop

The event seeks to inspire with insights, best practice examples and case studies about what is working effectively and making a difference to the experiences and outcomes of our diverse […]

How Migrants Have Shaped the NHS

Description: HIOW SeminarĀ  - SHFT Time: 11 am - 12:00 pm Seminar To Join: Meeting ID: 612 5116 6762 Passcode: 507658